The 4th edition of the Forestry Year in Sardinia, Italy, (originally known as Anno Forestale della Sardegna) is dedicated to EU policies on agroforestry, to boost the national and international debate on the future its challenges in Europe. The event will take place virtually from 16 to 18 November 2020 and tackle several aspects of the new EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which is now entering the trialogue discussions between the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Agriculture Ministers from EU member states. The agenda is available here [1], and this programme includes the participation of Joana Amaral Paulo, form Center for Forestry Studies, University of Lisbon, (ISA [2]), one of the partners of INCREDIBLE project. Paulo will be the facilitator in a session on existing agroforestry policies.
The event is free, and you can attend the event via Zoom Webinar through the following link: https://zoom.us/j/99834745921?pwd=Sk94Q09TRXFEWnQ0NTRyUjV4KzJwQT09# [3]
The official language is English. During the event simultaneous translation will be provided in Italian and English.
This three-day programme is a pre-event of EURAF2020, the 5th European Agroforestry Conference, which due to COVID-19 has been postponed to 17-19 May 2021.
Online event.