On 12 November, FAO is holding the webinar Sustainable use of wild collected products, within the series FAO-oriGIn Series of Webinars on “Contributing to SDGs through quality linked to geographical origin [1]”.
Inazio Martinez de Arano, EFIMED Head of Office, will do the conclusion remarks, as coordinator of the INCREDIBLE project. Registrations to attend this meeting (which will be carried out through Zoom) are open until 11 November. Please contact Ms. Ida Puzone at ida@origin-gi.com [2].
Programme (also available here [3]):
15:00: Opening: Background, Objectives and scope of the session, Sven Walter & Emilie Vandecandelaere (FAO)
15:15: Keynote: Importance of origin-linked certifications for wild collection. Davide Pettenella, University of Padova, INCREDIBLE Project
15:30: Case studies of GI_related certification schemes of wild products – opportunities and challenges:
- Europe: Thyme of Provence, Nathalie Vucher
- Global: Experiences from Sahel Forest Foods & Action Agains Desertification (AAD), Josef Garvi
- Africa: The case of the forest fruit Madd in Senegal, Tahirou Kanouté
- Latin America: Chakra Label from Ecuador, Virginia Vallejo, national Farm and Forest Facility (FFF) facilitator in Ecuador
16:10: Q&A and Discussion
17:00: Discussion on next steps and possible collaborations
17:20: Conclusions (EFI), Inazio Martínez de Arano (EFIMED Head of Office)
17:30: End of the meeting
Online event. 15:00 - 17:30 CET