The traceability of natural resin, a pending issue that can be solved with RESINAPP [1]

The SustForest Plus [2] project has designed and developed a traceability system based on a client-server web and Android application which allows to document in real time the path of the resin, from its extraction in the forest to the factory where the first transformation will take place.
The product traceability facilitates the origin accreditation of the resin and serves as a business management tool for first transformation companies, facilitating also the follow-up and closure of transactions between resin workers and companies.
The Resinapp system allows processing companies to control and manage the resin consignments at the time of loading, generating electronic delivery notes based on a QR code printed on the resin barrels, so to control the traceability of the product.
The company administration receives data of all the shipments of every resin barrels in real time in a server that allows the monitoring of information and transactions and it incorporates them automatically in its system of accounting and management.
This product contributes to the specific objective of 'Valuing the natural resins of SUDOE as a technological raw material in the new European bioeconomy', proving the effective link between the sustainably managed forest and the processing industry.
For more information about ResinApp, please contact [3].