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INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 7

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 7 Cesefor

Don’t miss any of the INCREDIBLE events and technical and scientific meetings coming up in the next few months. Our monthly events digest will bring all the important dates and places direct to your mailbox.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter in your mailbox, remember to subscribe here.

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 6

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 6

In 2020 we will complete our series of cross-cutting seminars, with two events focussing on key topics that can have a significant impact on the future of non-wood forest products (NWFP) and increase their competitiveness in the markets. Check in this last issue some of the upcoming events.

Don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter and bulletins to be up to date with the latest news.

INCREDIBLE Project Newsletter 3

Check here our last newsletter of 2019, with many updates about the launch of the INCREDIBLE Knowledge Repository; the Open Innovation Challenge competition winners, and the call for the next cross-cutting seminar to be held in February in Barcelona, entirely devoted to entrepreneurship, business innovation and creativity. If you still don't receive our newsletter, you can receive the next issues by subscribing here.
See you in 2020!

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 5

From climate change and how it impacts on forest production to the analysis of the potential and viability of aromatic and medicinal plants in Croatia, here we present you a total of nine events that INCREDIBLE will hold in the coming months over the entire Mediterranean basin.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter in your mailbox, remember to subscribe here.

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 4

After the summer break, INCREDIBLE is back with renewed energy and ready for a busy autumn of events and meetings.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter in your mailbox, remember to subscribe here.

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 3

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 3

Check in this last issue some of the upcoming scientific and practical events that INCREDIBLE project will hold before the Summer starts. 

Don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter and bulletins to be up to date with the latest news.

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 2

Don’t miss any of the INCREDIBLE events and technical and scientific meetings coming up in the next few months. Our monthly events digest will bring all the important dates and places direct to your mailbox.

INCREDIBLE Project News: Special issue

Do you have an interesting solution or business idea to solve a technological, social or environmental challenge for non-wood forest products in the Mediterranean?

Check in this newsletter all the information about the INCREDIBLE Open Innovation Challenge.

INCREDIBLE Project events bulletin 1

Don’t miss any of the INCREDIBLE events and technical and scientific meetings coming up in the next few months. Our monthly events digest will bring all the important dates and places direct to your mailbox.

INCREDIBLE Project Newsletter 1

If you want to receive timely information on the project’s development, share and provide knowledge on specific iNets or if you want to help shaping project outcomes… then join us! You can contact iNet coordinators or focal points to have first-hand information about all our project activities. You can also subscribe to the newsletter or follow us on Twitter @Incredibforest.



يهدف مشروع إنكرديبل إلى إظهار كيف يمكن للمنتجات الحرجية غير الخشبية أن تلعب دورا هاما في دعم الإدارة المستدامة للغابات والتنمية الريفية ، من خلال إنشاء شبكات لتبادل المعرفة والخبرات.

"شبكات الابتكار في الفلين والراتنجات و الفطر البري والكمأ، المكسرات البرية والتوت و النباتات العطرية والطبية. في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط" ( إنكرديبل) تعزز التعاون عبر القطاعات والابتكار لتسليط الضوء على قيمة وإمكانات المنتجات الحرجية غير الخشبية في المنطقة


تلقى مشروع " شبكات الابتكار للفلين و الصمغ الغابي و المنتجات الغابية الغير خشبية في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط " (انكرديبل) التمويل من برنامج أفق 2020 التابع للمفوضية الأوروبية بموجب اتفاقية المنحة رقم 7746322 .


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