The partners of INCREDIBLE Project are meeting in Padua (Italy) next 3th and 4th December for their second General Assembly, in which they will take the pulse of the development of the first year of this project. For two days, the work carried out so far will be analysed through round tables, dynamic sessions and meetings of the working groups in charge of the tasks of this H2020 project, which includes 13 partners [1] from eight different countries.
The Wild Mushorooms & Truffles iNet will then hold an Interregional Workshop about taxation of this NWFP on 5th and 6th December in Padua. The conference (entitled State of the art of Non-Wood Forest Products [2]) will focus on fiscality and new national and international regulations and the different experiences from European countries on taxation applied to wild forest products, some of the European origin trademarks, and anti-fraud regulation on truffles and mushrooms, among other topics. The second day will be a field trip focused on production and forest management of white truffles.
As previous events, from 28th to 30th November Seville (Spain) hosts the first Interregional Workshop organized by the Aromatic & Medicinal Plants iNet [3]. Organization of the wild harvesting, its social and economic implications and traceability and certification of the wild collected A&MP are some of the topics to be addressed.
Stay tuned! Soon, news about the results of our meetings.