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03 Oct

Knowledge exchange visit rewards for top three INCREDIBLE NWFP innovations

Successful exchange visits were awarded to the top innovators in the INCREDIBLE Knowledge Contest on NWFP, with the visits taking place earlier this year.

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05 Feb

Innovation from the skies: Drone technology for dispersion of pelletized seeds for reforestation

Dronecoria, founded by Lot Amorós of Elche, Spain, is applying drone technology for dispersion of pelletized seeds for reforestation. He and his team were awarded $20,000 for their innovative development of a seed-coating method, which is critical for their approach to large scale, low-cost direct sowing of native seeds for ecosystem restoration.

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10 Apr

MIKOGEST will use ICT and Big Data analysis techniques to deepen the sustainable management of mycological resources

Last March was held a new meeting of the operational group MIKOGEST (Dynamic & Innovative Management of Mycological Resources) to address the work of the innovation project it plans to carry out. The aim is to manage the regulation of this resource by tools based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), within a framework that guarantees sustainability in the use of the resource, traceability in the value chain and provides useful information to the collector and the business sector.

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20 Dec

The Croatian Forest Research Institute shows its latest findings on hypogeous fungi in Varaždin region

Two Interregional Workshops were held from 10th till 12th of December 2019 in Varaždin, Croatia. The first one was from the Mushroom & Truffles iNet, while the second one was from the Aromatics & Medicinal Plants iNet.

Latest researches that Croatian Forest Research Institute are conducting on hypogeous fungi in Varaždin region, Croatia, resulted with finding of a big specie variety of hypogeous fungi. Since those researches attracted a big interest from the local community, City of Varaždin became a perfect place to promote the INCREDIBLE project.

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يهدف مشروع إنكرديبل إلى إظهار كيف يمكن للمنتجات الحرجية غير الخشبية أن تلعب دورا هاما في دعم الإدارة المستدامة للغابات والتنمية الريفية ، من خلال إنشاء شبكات لتبادل المعرفة والخبرات.

"شبكات الابتكار في الفلين والراتنجات و الفطر البري والكمأ، المكسرات البرية والتوت و النباتات العطرية والطبية. في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط" ( إنكرديبل) تعزز التعاون عبر القطاعات والابتكار لتسليط الضوء على قيمة وإمكانات المنتجات الحرجية غير الخشبية في المنطقة


تلقى مشروع " شبكات الابتكار للفلين و الصمغ الغابي و المنتجات الغابية الغير خشبية في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط " (انكرديبل) التمويل من برنامج أفق 2020 التابع للمفوضية الأوروبية بموجب اتفاقية المنحة رقم 7746322 .


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