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INCREDIBLE consortium calls for a common label for European resin

Territorial contracts and common labelling were key ideas arising out of the INCREDIBLE Interregional Workshop on “Resin extraction as a building block of sustainable forest multifunctionality”. 

The workshop, which took place on 5 - 6 March at INRA Bordeaux, France, was perfectly aligned with research currently carried out by EFI for the SustForest+ Project and an opportunity to bring together the main French players of the resin sector and strengthen exchanges with other European producers (Spain, Portugal). 

Technical aspects of resin tapping were discussed, such as mechanisation and silviculture, as well as economical, sociological and environmental aspects. During the meeting, the EFI Planted Forests Facility (EFIPLANT) presented an example of profitability analysis of resin scenarios, in response to the question: Under what conditions is it profitable to start natural resin extraction in pine forests from the point of view of the forester? 

The idea of a territorial contract between resin tappers and public administrations was mentioned: this could valorise the indirect benefits of resin tapping, such as fire prevention. Moreover, additional income for resin tappers could come from other activities such as forestry operations or picking berries/mushrooms.

The session ended with the idea of creating a common label for European resin to give it a place on the international market and differentiate it from Tall oil, a by-product of the Kraft process of wood pulp manufacture, and hydrocarbon resins. The presentations and exchanges between participants were an opportunity to share different solutions and discuss potential replicability issues in each country present.

Photo: SustForest+

News Date: 
الخميس, 28 مارس, 2019
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التعليقات (2)

woodsince (لم يتم التحقق)- Jul 14, 2023 05:42 PM Reply
meetingsob (لم يتم التحقق)- Jul 14, 2023 05:44 PM Reply

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"شبكات الابتكار في الفلين والراتنجات و الفطر البري والكمأ، المكسرات البرية والتوت و النباتات العطرية والطبية. في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط" ( إنكرديبل) تعزز التعاون عبر القطاعات والابتكار لتسليط الضوء على قيمة وإمكانات المنتجات الحرجية غير الخشبية في المنطقة


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