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'Truffle cultivation in Friuli’s lowlands: status quo, techniques, perspectives and legislation'

'Truffle cultivation in Friuli’s lowlands: status quo, techniques, perspectives and legislation' is the title of this Wild Mushrooms & Truffles iNet 'Science to Practice' event, organised by ETIFOR in collaboration with CFRI, to be held in Friuli, region of northeastern Italy, whose capital is the well-known city of Trieste.

This event is mainly addressed mainly to  truffles and mushrooms traders, and will consist of a field trip in the forest (weather permitting) and a conference in the afternoon session. This event is also aimed at managers and forest owners, university students, mycological societies and people interested in knowing how progress is being made on this region in terms of the management and valorization of wild edible fungi of our forests.

Start time: 10:00 AM / End time: 05:00 PM

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Wild Mushrooms & Truffles
Start Date: 
Σάββατο, 24 Νοέμβριος, 2018
End Date: 
Σάββατο, 24 Νοέμβριος, 2018
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