The Croatian Forest Research Institute (CFRI) organises the Sciece to Practice event 'Truffles in Istrian region, Croatia - forest management, policy for truffle management and trade analysis', that will be held at Livade and Motovun (Istria, Croatia) on October 20th. The agenda is available here and download presentations.
Forest management of most productive truffle habitats in Istrian region is often in collision with truffle pickers and traders. The most popular truffle area is situated in the lowland forest of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) - a relict community of common oak and very rare for Mediterranean region. One part of it is a protected area, but the most is a managed forest. A question arises: should it be managed for truffles or timber?
A balance and a common language between forest management and truffle collection can be found, and this science to practice day is a rare opportunity to gather both of them to a joint table. Also, the Istrian region is situated very close to Italy, on the border where a lot of 'grey economy' is taking place. By joining the interested parties from both sides of the border is very important for making the fundaments of joint collaboration towards the European and world market.
Meeting venue: Livade, Croatia
Start time: 09:00 AM / End time: 07:30 PM
Further information:
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