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iNet resources

Plantaciones clonales de pino piñonero (SP)

Science to Practice event 'Grafting techniques in stone pine for clonal propagation' (Madrid, 25 March 2019). Presentations of the morning session.

Plantaciones clonales de pino piñonero, by Sven Mutke (INIA), Carlos Guadaño (TRAGSA), David León (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, MAPA) and Javier Gordo (Regional Government of Castilla y Leon, Junta de Castilla y León).

Motion Infographic: Wild Nuts & Berries

Animated infographic about Wild Nuts & Berries.

Marco legal para comercializar púa para injertar o plantones injertados (SP)

Science to Practice event 'Grafting techniques in stone pine for clonal propagation' (Madrid, 25 March 2019). Presentations of the morning session.

Marco legal para comercializar púa para injertar o plantones injertados, by David León (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, MAPA)

Knowledge Repository for Non-Wood Forest Products: Overview and design concepts

Interregional Workshop ‘Wild harvest in time of new pests, diseases and climate change’ (Palencia, Spain, 12-14 June 2019). Day 2.

Knowledge Repository for Non-Wood Forest Products: Overview and design concepts, by María Pasalodos (INIA)

Interregional Workshop ‘Wild harvest in time of new pests, diseases and climate change’ (Palencia, Spain, 12-14 June 2019) Presentation of INCREDIBLE Thematic Network

Interregional Workshop ‘Wild harvest in time of new pests, diseases and climate change’ (Palencia, Spain, 12-14 June 2019) Presentation of Thematic Network INCREDIBLE, by Sven Mutke (INIA).

Interregional Workshop ‘Combining Wild Nuts & Berries economic development and products quality’ (Marseille, 7-8 march, 2019). Presentation

Interregional Workshop ‘Combining Wild Nuts & Berries economic development and products quality’ (Marseille, 7-8 March, 2019). Presentation of INCREDIBLE Project.

Interregional Workshop ‘Combining Wild Nuts & Berries economic development and products quality’ (Marseille, 7-8 march, 2019). Introduction of the event

Interregional Workshop ‘Combining Wild Nuts & Berries economic development and products quality’ (Marseille, 7-8 March, 2019). Introduction of the event: Context, objectives and agenda.

Injerto en plantación vs vivero (SP)

Science to Practice event 'Grafting techniques in stone pine for clonal propagation' (Madrid, 25 March 2019). Presentations of the morning session.

Injerto en plantación vs vivero, by Javier Gordo (Regional Government of Castilla y Leon, Junta de Castilla y León) and Sven Mutke (INIA).

INCREDIBLE project: Wild Nuts & Berries iNet presentation

Science to Practice event Chestnut orchards: an opportunity for rural development (Balboa, León, Spain. 22 May 2019). 

INCREDIBLE project: Wild Nuts & Berries iNet, by Sven Mutke and María Pasalodos (CIFOR-INIA).

Incidence of blight canker in chestnut trees in Castille and Leon. Historical perspective and current situation

Interregional Workshop ‘Wild harvest in time of new pests, diseases and climate change’ (Palencia, Spain, 12-14 June 2019). Day 2.

Incidence of blight canker in chestnut trees in Castille and Leon. Historical perspective and current situation, by Paula Zamora (TRAGSA).



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‘Το πρόγραμμα Δίκτυα καινοτομίας για τον φελλό, τις ρητίνες και τα εδώδιμα προϊόντα της Μεσογειακής λεκάνης (INCREdible)  χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα HORIZON 2020 της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, στο πλαίσιο συμφωνίας επιχορήγησης Αρ. 774632.


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