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Stone pine and pine nuts: more knowledge for a better management

The objective of this seminar is the knowledge transfer to stone pine managers, industry and landowners regarding the latest and novel investigation results on this species in Portugal developed by the Forestry Research Center (CEF/ISA) and project partners. The focus will be on pests, water and fertilization, management, wood technology and new tool to evaluate nut yield. We intend to draw attention to the importance of being informed in order to better manage and ultimately obtain healthy, sustainable and productive stone pine forests. This Science to Practice event has been organised by our partner Instituto Superior de Agronomia, ISA (Higher Institute of Agronomy, University of Lisbon), addressed to forest managers, industry, research community and landowners

Free registration but limited to room capacity. Registration is required until October 25th by email to, including the following information: name, institution, and email.

See here the programme in English / in Portuguese. Download presentations part 1 and part 2


Wild Nuts & Berries
Start Date: 
Mercredi, 30 octobre, 2019
End Date: 
Mercredi, 30 octobre, 2019
INCREDIBLE Project events

School of Agriculture (ISA), Lisbon, Portugal


Le projet INCREDIBLE vise à montrer comment les produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le soutien à la gestion durable des forêts et au développement rural, en créant des réseaux pour partager et échanger des connaissances et des compétences. INCREDIBLE (dont l’acronyme signifie “ réseaux d’innovation du liège, des résines et des produits comestibles dans le bassin méditerranéen» encourage la collaboration intersectorielle et l’innovation, afin de mettre en valeur la valeur et le potentiel des PFNL dans les régions méditerranéennes.


Le projet 'Innovation Networks of Cork, Resin, and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin' (INCREDIBLE) a reçu des fonds du programme Horizon 2020 de la Commission Européenne sous le grant agreement N°774632


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