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20 Dec

The Croatian Forest Research Institute shows its latest findings on hypogeous fungi in Varaždin region

Two Interregional Workshops were held from 10th till 12th of December 2019 in Varaždin, Croatia. The first one was from the Mushroom & Truffles iNet, while the second one was from the Aromatics & Medicinal Plants iNet.

Latest researches that Croatian Forest Research Institute are conducting on hypogeous fungi in Varaždin region, Croatia, resulted with finding of a big specie variety of hypogeous fungi. Since those researches attracted a big interest from the local community, City of Varaždin became a perfect place to promote the INCREDIBLE project.

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03 Dec

The chestnut sector, present in the European Parliament

This week begins in the European Parliament a round of contacts promoted by the European Chestnut Network, Eurocastanea, founded a year ago in Plasencia (Extremadura, Spain), with the aim of defending the common interests of producers, industrialists and commercial operators in the European chestnut sector.

Some of the members of EuroCastanea are also members of the Wild Nuts & Berries iNet, whose launching within the framework of the INCREDIBLE project will also be announced during this meeting in the European Parliament.

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27 Nov

Pine nuts production in Tunisia: A review of stakes practices and socio-economic constraints

Last November 13th, more than 30 persons attended the Science to Practice event held in the north west of Tunisia (Nefza) to explore Pine nuts extraction practices and the economic importance of this product to local population livelihood.

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18 Nov
Stone pine graft (c) CNRGF Alacuás

Deployment of stone pine elite clones for pine nut orchards

The regional Central Forest Nursery of the regional government of Castilla y León (Spain) has released grafted plants of 5 elite clones of Pinus pinea, a.k.a. Mediterranean stone pine for its big hardshelled seeds. Their edible kernels, the genuine Mediterranean pine nuts, are nowadays the most expensive nuts of the world due to their scarcity and dependence on collection from the wild.

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14 Nov
S2P Resin use, territorial development and demographic challenge

Resin use, territorial development and demographic challenge - Your contribution matters

Last November 5th more than fifty people and several media attended the INCREDIBLE Science to Practice event Resin use, territorial development and demographic challenge, held in Soria, Spain, in Cesefor headquarters. The day served to draw a picture of the evolution and today sector problems, and to raise some political and administrative solutions to support the natural resin sector.

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10 Sep
chestnut closeup (c) R Calama

X European Chestnut Meeting, Sept. 2019

The annual meetings of the European Network EuroCastanea are the most important reference for anyone (agents, transformers, producers, dealers) working in the European chestnut sector. This two-day event offers a program that simultaneously combines the strong technical character of the conferences with the technical visits, trying to meet the priorities of the moment and the advancing research and innovation into the sector.

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09 Sep

Resineros: un viejo oficio para un nuevo mundo sin petróleo

La resina natural se puede usar en lugar de muchos productos derivados del petróleo. Además, promueve una gestión sostenible de los bosques y puede ayudar a fijar población en la España vaciada. Pero aún queda mucho trabajo por delante...

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09 Sep

Cursos sobre el cultivo del castaño para la producción de fruto

Del 23 de septiembre al 1 de octubre, y del 24 de septiembre al 2 de octubre, Cesefor impartirá sendos cursos de formación sobre la castañicultura, en los que se explicarán diferentes módulos para el correcto cultivo del castaño, así como los tratamientos a seguir durante la vida útil de la plantación.
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11 Jun

Attractiveness of NWFP as a value beyond price

The value of a product is generally associated with its price: higher the price, higher the value. This perception can be applied also to the Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) sector: for instance, truffles are more attractive for companies than other edible but mediocre mushrooms, due to the higher willingness to pay of consumers. Nevertheless, a NWFP can have a value that goes beyond its price: its attractiveness.

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INCREDIBLE projekt ima za cilj pokazati kako nedrvni šumski proizvodi (NDŠP) mogu imati važnu ulogu u podržavanju održivog gospodarenja šumama i ruralnom razvoju, stvaranjem mreža za dijeljenje i razmjenu znanja i iskustva. "Inovativne mreže pluta, smole i jestivih plodova u mediteranskom bazenu" (INCREDIBLE) promiču međusektorsku suradnju i inovacije kako bi se istaknula vrijednost i potencijal NDŠP-a u regiji.


Projekt “Inovativne mreže dionika vezanih za pluto, smolu i jestive nedrvne šumske proizvode u mediteranskom bazenu” (INCREDIBLE) financira Europska komisija u sklopu programa Obzor 2020 (ugovor o financiranju Nº 774632).


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