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Aromatic & Medicinal Plants

In recent times is becoming evident the growth of a consumer more aware of recovering healthy lifestyle habits and closer to traditional knowledge. This has resulted in an increased interest worldwide about aromatic and medicinal plants (AMP) as natural medicinal remedies, which is reflected by a growing demand for AMP products in the European markets.

The current outlook requires now innovative R&D in AMP to increase the productivity, quality and possibilities of valorisation, but as a previous step it's essential to listen and study consumers and their expectactions about AMP, and therefore develop marketing strategies focused on issues such as productive processes (traceability, development of niche products); evolution of offered products; sector internationalization; substitution of essential oils; and distributors increased power, among others.


INCREDIBLE projekt ima za cilj pokazati kako nedrvni šumski proizvodi (NDŠP) mogu imati važnu ulogu u podržavanju održivog gospodarenja šumama i ruralnom razvoju, stvaranjem mreža za dijeljenje i razmjenu znanja i iskustva. "Inovativne mreže pluta, smole i jestivih plodova u mediteranskom bazenu" (INCREDIBLE) promiču međusektorsku suradnju i inovacije kako bi se istaknula vrijednost i potencijal NDŠP-a u regiji.


Projekt “Inovativne mreže dionika vezanih za pluto, smolu i jestive nedrvne šumske proizvode u mediteranskom bazenu” (INCREDIBLE) financira Europska komisija u sklopu programa Obzor 2020 (ugovor o financiranju Nº 774632).


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