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Mushrooms and truffles: how to improve quality and markets status

This Interregional Workshop on mushrooms and fresh truffles, aimed to local stakeholders, national administration and INCREDIBLE partners, will be addressing commercialisation and market development with the following objectives:

  • Improve awareness and knowledge of the gastronomic value of mushrooms and truffles (gastronomic culture);
  • Identify tools to address frauds;
  • Include durability and preservation of fresh truffles and mushrooms in the research agenda to be developed.                                                                                 

Venue: Ioannina, Greece. 

Day 1: Frontzu Politia Congress Center,  Agia Triada Hill. Start time: 10:00 AM / End time: 05:00 PM.

Day 2: Palase Field Station (Ioannina University Research Station), including a visit to the oak forests central Zagori and participation to the Annual Mushroom Local Festival.

Language:  English, Greek.

The programme is available here in English and in Greek. Download presentations part 1 and part 2

Wild Mushrooms & Truffles
Start Date: 
Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2019
End Date: 
Sabato, 8 Giugno, 2019
INCREDIBLE Project events

Ioannina (Greece)


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Chi siamo

Il progetto INCREDIBLE ha lo scopo di mostrare come i prodotti forestali non legnosi (NWFP) possono svolgere un ruolo importante nel sostenere la gestione forestale sostenibile e lo sviluppo rurale, creando reti per condividere e scambiare conoscenze e competenze. Il progetto INCREDIBLE promuove la collaborazione e l'innovazione intersettoriali per evidenziare il valore e il potenziale dei prodotti forestali non legnosi nel bacino del Mediterraneo.


Il progetto INCREDIBLE ("INNOVATION Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin") riceve finanziamenti dal programma della Commissione Europea Horizon 2020 secondo il grant agreement Nº 774632.


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