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Collaborative networks on resin as raw material for the bioeconomy

The Resins iNet is organising a new Science to Practice event addressed to stakeholders in the resin sector, forest owners and managers, technicians, resin tappers, industry, researchers. Due to COVID-19 this meeting will be held online on 16th December (15:00-17:30 h CET).

The aim of this webinar (which will be conducted mainly in Spanish) is to discuss what information can be collected from the resin sector in a simple, reliable and harmonizable way to feed a sectoral observatory. At the same time it aims to identify the possible sources of information, the procedures for collecting it and those responsible for processing, harmonising and publishing it.

The event also aims to set up a group of experts working together on a common protocol to integrate data on resin activity and production through an information system to the Spanish and Portuguese national forest inventories or forest statistics, so that they can serve as a useful management and planning tool for the sector. 

The conference will provide information and a space for reflection and discussion on the viability of one or another data collection model. Finally, the conference will present two initiatives currently underway to structure the sector: the European Network of Resin Regions and the ResinLab testing network, which can create synergies with the observatory or information system.

Check here the programme of this Science to Practice organised by our partner INIA.

Download here the presentations

Start Date: 
Mercoledì, 16 Dicembre, 2020
End Date: 
Mercoledì, 16 Dicembre, 2020
INCREDIBLE Project events

Online event.

Chi siamo

Il progetto INCREDIBLE ha lo scopo di mostrare come i prodotti forestali non legnosi (NWFP) possono svolgere un ruolo importante nel sostenere la gestione forestale sostenibile e lo sviluppo rurale, creando reti per condividere e scambiare conoscenze e competenze. Il progetto INCREDIBLE promuove la collaborazione e l'innovazione intersettoriali per evidenziare il valore e il potenziale dei prodotti forestali non legnosi nel bacino del Mediterraneo.


Il progetto INCREDIBLE ("INNOVATION Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin") riceve finanziamenti dal programma della Commissione Europea Horizon 2020 secondo il grant agreement Nº 774632.


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