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'Advances in the management and valorization of edible wild mushrooms in Europe and Canada' (Science to Practice event)

The iNet of Wild Mushrooms and Truffles will act as a collaborator in the International Workshop on Mycological Forests entitled Advances in the management and valorization of edible wild mushrooms in Europe and Canada, which will be held in Zaragoza next 19th October.

The program starts with an introductory general overview. New developments such as the mycology program of Aragón (MICOARAGÓN) or the National Operational Group FungiGO, but also the balance of pioneering programs such as Micocyl in Castilla y León or Mycomauricie in Canada are presented. From the point of view of the territorial diagnosis of the resource, the results obtained in the province of Teruel and in the boreal forests of Canada will be presented. Finally, the opportunities of the tourism product linked to edible wild mushrooms and the role of private companies in the development of the sector in Auvergne (France) will be presented.

Programme and further information, here.
Simultaneous translation Spanish-French.


Wild Mushrooms & Truffles
Start Date: 
Παρασκευή, 19 Οκτώβριος, 2018
End Date: 
Παρασκευή, 19 Οκτώβριος, 2018
INCREDIBLE Project events


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