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The INCREDIBLE Final Conference and Knowledge Contest almost here

On 15-16 April, the INCREDIBLE project celebrates its Final Conference online. The event, co-organised by the European Forest Institute (EFI) and Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa (ISA), will explore and celebrate during 3 sessions the outcomes of the project with a special emphasis on the flagship initiatives and important achievements of each Interregional Innovation Networks (iNets).

This virtual event will also present the innovations that have originated from the project activities, displaying the strength of lasting partnerships formed throughout the project’s life. The conference will also give special attention to the importance of making Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) visible into EU thematic networks.

Moreover, the event will celebrate the INCREDIBLE knowledge contest during the session 2 (15 April at 15:25 CEST). Six finalists are competing for this contest and participants could vote their favourite. The finalists’ factsheets are available below,

The online event is addressed to EU, national, regional and local stakeholders in NWFP value chains. In particular, we welcome associations of forest owners, producers and processors, consumer organisations, industries, NGOs, public institutions, etc.


News Date: 
Sexta, 9 Abril, 2021
iNet news: 
Wild Mushrooms & Truffles
Wild Nuts & Berries
Aromatic & Medicinal Plants

Comentários (9)

hillsdeal (não verificado)- Oct 25, 2022 11:15 AM Reply
katherinedesilvia (não verificado)- Nov 14, 2022 07:04 PM Reply
analysissolemn (não verificado)- Jan 05, 2023 07:38 AM Reply
jacobhue (não verificado)- Feb 04, 2023 04:13 PM Reply
jessicaalex (não verificado)- May 04, 2023 01:38 PM Reply
preetiroy (não verificado)- Jun 27, 2023 07:29 AM Reply
Mushroom gifts (não verificado)- Sep 25, 2023 11:14 AM Reply
Mike Rooney (não verificado)- Feb 22, 2024 12:47 PM Reply
RichardWilliam (não verificado)- Jun 01, 2024 09:58 AM Reply

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O projeto INCREDIBLE pretende mostrar o papel importante dos produtos florestais não lenhosos (PFNL), como suporte de uma gestão florestal sustentável e do desenvolvimento rural, criando redes de transferência e partilha de conhecimento e experiência. O projeto INCREDIBLE – Redes de inovação em: Cortiça, Resina e produtos florestais comestíveis, para a região Mediterrânea; promove inovação e colaboração sectorial cruzada, para salientar o valor e o potencial dos PFNL na região.


O projeto ‘Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin’ (INCREDIBLE – ‘Redes de Inovação de Cortiça, Resinas e Comestíveis da bacia Mediterrânica’) recebe financiamento do programa Horizonte 2020 da Comissão Europeia, sob acordo de financiamento Nº 774.632.


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