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INCREDIBLE aims to foster communication and knowledge transfer to highlight how enhanced fluxes and multi-actor networks can help to seed real and effective innovation of NWFPs in the Mediterranean and contribute to business discovery, social innovation and the co-design of locally adapted innovative value chains.

In this same way, INCREDIBLE pretends to:

Create and animate interregional and multi-actor innovation Networks (iNets) in order to bridge the knowledge innovation divide, facilitate business discovery, co-design innovative solutions, emergence of break-through ideas, adaptation of success cases and identification of knowledge gaps. A set of cross-cutting issues will also target the most relevant needs along the different value chains in order to improve profitability, sustainability and their impact on the creation of green jobs and rural development.

Speed up knowledge flows and knowledge uptake to support innovation in NWFPs. This will be done through an iterative process that will work at three levels: i) within iNET interactions; ii) Across iNET interactions in cross-cutting issues and iii) interactions with other actors and networks in NWFP and other related areas.

Contribute to social and business innovation through dissemination and targeted outreach activities and specific multipliers. INCREDIBLE will maximize integration and synergies with wider regional, national and European policies to facilitate a wide adoption of the proposed innovations. Policy implications at multiple levels will be developed, notably targeting Rural Development actors and networks and policy makers in cross-cutting areas.

To stress knowledge transfer and make it wider, INCREDIBLE considers the importance of maintaining a close connection with other actors, networks and entities, such as European Innovation Partnership (EIP); Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS); forest advisory (and innovation support) services across Europe and the Mediterranean region; rural innovation professionals, forest owners and NGOs, among others.


El proyecto INCREDIBLE pretende mostrar cómo los productos forestales no maderables (PFNM) pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el apoyo a la gestión forestal sostenible y el desarrollo rural, mediante la creación de redes para compartir e intercambiar conocimientos y experiencia. INCREDIBLE (acrónimo de ‘Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin’) promueve la colaboración e innovación intersectorial para destacar el valor y el potencial de los PFNM en la región.


El proyecto INCREDIBLE recibe fondos del programa Horizon 2020 de la Comisión Europea en el marco del acuerdo de subvención Nº 774.632.


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