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Wild Mushrooms & Truffles

The benefits related to wild mushroom picking, a growing activity in European forests, can be broad and when maximized can involve a variety of actors playing at the recreational level (e.g. occasional pickers), the commercial level (e.g. mushroom traders), as well as activities proper of the tertiary sector (e.g. mycotourism and leisure activities, education initiatives). In addition, demand for truffles is expanding due to new consumer habits, pointing to a high potential of development.

Adequate forest management techniques (Mycosilviculture) as well as cultivation techniques for optimizing the productivity and diversity of mushrooms and truffles, in addition to the development of innovative form of value chain agglomerations and the integration of this sector with the wider ecosystem services agenda are some of the key challenges of these NWFP.


El proyecto INCREDIBLE pretende mostrar cómo los productos forestales no maderables (PFNM) pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el apoyo a la gestión forestal sostenible y el desarrollo rural, mediante la creación de redes para compartir e intercambiar conocimientos y experiencia. INCREDIBLE (acrónimo de ‘Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin’) promueve la colaboración e innovación intersectorial para destacar el valor y el potencial de los PFNM en la región.


El proyecto INCREDIBLE recibe fondos del programa Horizon 2020 de la Comisión Europea en el marco del acuerdo de subvención Nº 774.632.


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