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INCREDIBLE Innovation Challenge still open!

Do you have a bright idea about how to increase the environmental, economic or social value of Mediterranean non-wood forest products? The call is still open for you to enter the INCREDIBLE Open Innovation Challenge (OIC)!

INCREDIBLE project is looking for innovative ideas with the potential to increase the environmental, economic or social value of Mediterranean non-wood forest products (NWFP). The five best innovators will join an INCREDIBLE business acceleration programme led by an international team of leading forestry, business and NWFP experts.

The OIC is open to everyone – individual, start-up or company – with an innovative idea to solve a problem or boost a NWFP value chain. Competition winners will be invited, free of charge, to the INCREDIBLE business acceleration programme, a 10-day intensive training course, held at the Agripolis Campus, Padova, Italy; and travel costs will be covered by the project. Participants to the programme will be able to boost their ideas through seminars, support from mentors and experts for coaching, and workshops on transversal and targeted topics (business models, marketing strategies, branding, traceability tools, etc.).

INCREDIBLE project partners are currently reaching out to potential innovators and business partners for the programme with presentations in target institutions. Most recently, FoReSTAS held a seminar on 1 July at the University of Nuoro, Sardinia, which was attended by 20 participants.

Whether as innovator or supporter, the OIC offers the opportunity to make a real change and enable NWFP to fulfil their potential as a viable social and economic resource for the Mediterranean.

Applications to the Challenge are open until 30 August 2019.

More information and registrations

News Date: 
Mardi, 9 juillet, 2019
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Commentaires (2)

Pia Blunt (non vérifié)- Mar 07, 2023 01:22 PM Reply
hank mertz (non vérifié)- Aug 22, 2024 05:30 AM Reply

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Le projet INCREDIBLE vise à montrer comment les produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le soutien à la gestion durable des forêts et au développement rural, en créant des réseaux pour partager et échanger des connaissances et des compétences. INCREDIBLE (dont l’acronyme signifie “ réseaux d’innovation du liège, des résines et des produits comestibles dans le bassin méditerranéen» encourage la collaboration intersectorielle et l’innovation, afin de mettre en valeur la valeur et le potentiel des PFNL dans les régions méditerranéennes.


Le projet 'Innovation Networks of Cork, Resin, and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin' (INCREDIBLE) a reçu des fonds du programme Horizon 2020 de la Commission Européenne sous le grant agreement N°774632


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