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Fiscal reform of the truffle sector in Italy

ETIFOR organises this 'Science to practice' event, addressed to stakeholders of truffles value chains. It will be carried out in Norcia (Perugia, Italy).

The traditions related to NWFPs are deeply rooted in the culture of central Italy. The city of Norcia, Umbria region, is well known for truffles, black ones over all. Every year the city hosts a traditional fair of black truffles, called “Nero Norcia” that this year reaches the 56th edition. The fair is a great possibility to meet many stakeholders of the centre of Italy. For this reason, Incredible decided to organize, in partnership with the “Italian federation of truffles pickers” (FITA), Norcia municipality and the “Associazione Pietro Fontana”, a science to practice event aimed to deepen the knowledge related to the recent Italian fiscal law on NWFPs, approved at the end of 2018. There will be the possibility to discuss in a round table with the experts that worked at the law and representatives of the public and private sector.


Wild Mushrooms & Truffles
Start Date: 
Domenica, 24 Febbraio, 2019
End Date: 
Domenica, 24 Febbraio, 2019
INCREDIBLE Project events

Commenti (2)

aboardrangale (non verificato)- Jul 04, 2023 06:53 AM Reply
alexiaamber (non verificato)- Oct 18, 2023 05:01 AM Reply

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Chi siamo

Il progetto INCREDIBLE ha lo scopo di mostrare come i prodotti forestali non legnosi (NWFP) possono svolgere un ruolo importante nel sostenere la gestione forestale sostenibile e lo sviluppo rurale, creando reti per condividere e scambiare conoscenze e competenze. Il progetto INCREDIBLE promuove la collaborazione e l'innovazione intersettoriali per evidenziare il valore e il potenziale dei prodotti forestali non legnosi nel bacino del Mediterraneo.


Il progetto INCREDIBLE ("INNOVATION Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin") riceve finanziamenti dal programma della Commissione Europea Horizon 2020 secondo il grant agreement Nº 774632.


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