The cork market in 2017 and the expectations for 2018, discussed in Portugal

Within the framework of the seminars at the National Agriculture Fair, was carried out on June 5th the Cork Annual Seminar of Portugal, in which took part as speakers Conceição Santos Silva and Nuno Calado (both researches from UNAC, entity partner of INCREDIBLE project), Helena Pereira (FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), and João Rui Ferreira (APCOR - Associação Portuguesa da Cortiça). More than 80 attendees listened to his speeches, whose presentations are now available here:
- Campanha de cortiça 2017 e perspetivas para 2018 (Cork campaign 2017 and expectations for 2018) | Nuno Calado (UNAC) (download)
- Agenda FCT de I&I sobre agroalimentar, florestas e biodiversidade: aplicação ao sobreiro e cortiça (FCT agenda on agri-food, forests and biodiversity: application to cork oak and cork) | Helena Pereira (FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) (download)
- Mercados mundiais da rolha de cortiça: Evoluções e tendências (Cork world markets: Evolutions and trends) | João Rui Ferreira (APCOR) (download 1/2, download 2/2).
More info about Cork Annual Seminar at Portugal: Seminário Anual da Fileira da Cortiça.