Consensus among stakeholders is the key to implement mushroom hunting regulated areas

The Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia-CTFC hosted 19th November a Science-to-practice INCREDIBLE event focused on the legal framewok and opportunities of the Mushroom regulated areas. The purpose of the journey was to present several examples of mushroom hunting regulated areas in different Spanish regions, namely Castilla y León, Aragón and Catalonia aiming to understand the factors that are behind the success of such initiatives.
The invited speakers (Mr. Ricardo Forcadell, Mr. Fernando Martínez-Peña, Mr. Josep Pintó and Mr. Anton Vallvey) presented the different legal frameworks (forest policy is dependent upon the regions in Spain) and the different schemes developed for the mushroom regulated areas. The speakers coincides that the mushroom regulated areas could be an opportunity for the valuation of the mushroom resources generating local economies. However, prior to start with such initiatives a consensus with all the involved stakeholders is needed.