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Barcelona hosts the second cross-cutting seminar of INCREDIBLE project on 27 and 28 February

Everything is ready to hold the second cross-cutting seminar of the INCREDIBLE project on 27 and 28 February in Barcelona. This time, the focus will be on the opportunities that non-wood forest products can offer to rural economies through the implementation of innovative businesses and entrepreneurship. 

Our partner European Forest Institute, through the Mediterranean Facility, has organised this seminar with the final objective of creating networks cross-sectorial partnerships and supporting NWFP actors and practitioners in the development of innovative solutions for NWFP management.

To achieve this, the first day have been scheduled the seminar (with three speakers, including FAO) and two round tables, in which sessions participants will analyse the most common business models for bio-based companies in rural areas, leading to a look at the future perspectives of the non-wood forest products business and related sectors.

In the afternoon, the round tables will focus on success stories of companies working with NWFPs and on examples of how we can learn from other related sectors.

In order to gather as many visions, opinions and experiences as possible, this cross-cutting seminar is addressed to entrepreneurs, start-ups and established businesses in NWFP, in agriculture and in other plant-based or plant-derived products, but also to entrepreneurs, start-ups and consolidated businesses in tourism, and potential entrepreneurs in any of these areas.

Success and innovative business stories

The second day of the meeting nine entrepreneurs from 6 countries (Spain, Italy, France, Tunisia, Switzerland, USA) will present their business or start up ideas, looking for partners, mentors or funding. Among them, the winners of the Open Innovation Challenge, the competition organised by INCREDIBLE project to gather the most innovative business ideas in the area of non-wood forest products (see here the winners of this Open Innovation Challenge call).

Another of the activities that have been programmed within the framework of this seminar has been the Marketplace and the B2B meetings that will be held in the afternoon of February 28, in which at least 14 entrepreneurs, star-ups, established companies and public agencies in the sector of non-wood forest products or related to it, having pitched or not in the morning, will be able to show their business experiences, products and services. Rooms will also be available for private business meetings. 

Check here the programme of the cross-cutting seminar Innovative Businesses and Entrepreneurship in Non-Wood Forest Products. Registration to the event is now closed. However, you can still register to attend the marketplace (Friday 28 February, from 14:30 to 18:00) as visitor. Deadline to register: Thursday 27 February at 18:00.

News Date: 
Martes, 11 Febrero, 2020
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MUZAMMIL SEO MU... (no verificado)- Jan 17, 2024 03:16 PM Reply

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El proyecto INCREDIBLE pretende mostrar cómo los productos forestales no maderables (PFNM) pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el apoyo a la gestión forestal sostenible y el desarrollo rural, mediante la creación de redes para compartir e intercambiar conocimientos y experiencia. INCREDIBLE (acrónimo de ‘Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin’) promueve la colaboración e innovación intersectorial para destacar el valor y el potencial de los PFNM en la región.


El proyecto INCREDIBLE recibe fondos del programa Horizon 2020 de la Comisión Europea en el marco del acuerdo de subvención Nº 774.632.


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