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18 Nov
Stone pine graft (c) CNRGF Alacuás

Deployment of stone pine elite clones for pine nut orchards

The regional Central Forest Nursery of the regional government of Castilla y León (Spain) has released grafted plants of 5 elite clones of Pinus pinea, a.k.a. Mediterranean stone pine for its big hardshelled seeds. Their edible kernels, the genuine Mediterranean pine nuts, are nowadays the most expensive nuts of the world due to their scarcity and dependence on collection from the wild.

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27 Mar
grafted stone pine loaded with cones (Junta Castilla y Leon)

Release of elite stone pine clones for orchard plantations: grafting techniques for enhanced pine nut production

Different grafting techniques and deployment strategies for improved genetic materials of stone pine, Pinus pinea, offer more landowners the possibility to consider the tree as a viable crop. The stone pine is an emblematic tree that produces Mediterranean pine nuts, the most expensive nuts in global markets due to their scarcity.

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El proyecto INCREDIBLE pretende mostrar cómo los productos forestales no maderables (PFNM) pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el apoyo a la gestión forestal sostenible y el desarrollo rural, mediante la creación de redes para compartir e intercambiar conocimientos y experiencia. INCREDIBLE (acrónimo de ‘Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin’) promueve la colaboración e innovación intersectorial para destacar el valor y el potencial de los PFNM en la región.


El proyecto INCREDIBLE recibe fondos del programa Horizon 2020 de la Comisión Europea en el marco del acuerdo de subvención Nº 774.632.


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